What Sonoma Home Watch can do for you

Sonoma Home Watch is NHWA accredited, insured and bonded. Our NHWA membership offers you the benefits of a nationally certified company combined with the knowledge of a local inspector who knows the Valley. We provide you with emailed reports (including photos) of your home security and property condition through our professional services listed below.

Home Watch service includes:

We offer a wide range of Home Watch services designed to ensure the safety, security, and maintenance of your property while you’re away.

Exterior Inspection
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Thorough exterior visual inspections

Exterior Inspections

Our inspectors check that ALL entrances are securely locked and further check for any signs of forced entry, vandalism, or damage caused by weather, pests, and insects. We remove newspapers, flyers, and other signs of non-occupancy. We retrieve and forward packages and mail as requested. We visually inspect the roof, gutters, outbuildings, yard, landscaping, and irrigation systems.

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Thorough exterior visual inspections

Interior Inspections

At the heart of our service is a thorough inspection of the property to confirm it is clean, safe, and habitable. We check for any signs of damage caused by weather, pests, insects, vandalism, or other disturbances. We confirm that the security system is set and functioning properly, and ensure all windows and entryways are securely locked.

Lastly, we visually inspect the HVAC system for any signs of damage or malfunction and check for any suspicious odors that may indicate a potential issue.

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Get your systems back up and running

Post-Storm Inspections

After a storm, Sonoma Home Watch will promptly inspect your property’s exterior and interior to identify any potential damage, including checking for flooding, leaks, or water damage and ensuring the furnace is functioning properly by conducting a temperature check. We also can provide referral services to qualified professionals for any repairs or maintenance needs identified during post-storm inspections.

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Coordinate access

Home Appointment Assistance

We can coordinate access to your property for any situation at an hourly rate or as part of your regular contract. All we need is your notification of date and time and any instructions you have. We can coordinate access to your property for any situation including repairs, contractors, handyworker, cleaning and in case you lock yourself out!

For homeowners who need repairs or contractors to complete larger projects, while we do not provide handyman services, we can assist you with referrals to amazing local companies if the need for these particular services arises. We also assure any contractors that we recommend are commercially insured.

Real Time Home Watch Status Reporting

Concierge Home Services provides a top-quality experience with the HomeWatchIT reporting system. This system allows us to create a customized home watch checklist tailored to your expectations.  After each visit, you will receive a time-stamped, geo-location-based report with notes and pictures of what we found during our check. Please take a look at the video for more information.

What Home Watch Does and Does Not Do

We do

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Provide visual inspections of homes and properties that are unoccupied for both a short or long term.
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A Home Watch company can perform basic home maintenance and “handyman” type repairs during the owner’s absence.
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A Home Watch company acts as an advocate for the homeowner, always looking out for their best interests.
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We are a constant and consistent line of communication.

We don’t do:

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Vacation rental management service
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“House-sitting” that involves physically living at the home
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Security service, even though our presence can be a crime deterrent because our visits provide a presence in the home.

Why Hire an NHWA Accredited Home Watch Company

What clients say about us

“Over the years we’ve relied on neighbors to check in on our property when we weren’t living in Sonoma. We still use them, but since finding Sonoma Home Watch, we get full reports on condition and details we never could have asked our neighbors to do.”

Jim & Nancy


“Your service just helped me lower my insurance premium! Thank you so much for providing us with the weekly reports that were instrumental in negotiating our rates down for the first time.”

Aaron & Chris

Moon Mountain

“When my husband passed away my children and their families were sad to hear I would need to sell the Sonoma property. Maintenance would be impossible for me to do alone. I was referred to your service by my daughter and ever since, we’ve been able to keep our home well maintained and ready for our use year round. Greatly appreciate your service!!!

Eileen D


“Having used your service now for less than a year, I can tell you we could not be second homeowners in Sonoma without you!”

Dave A

Glen Ellen

“As you know, we only needed monthly service checks… Until last year! We are so grateful for all of your weekly check-ins with contractors over the summer. The remodel would have never finished on time or under budget with you.”

Melissa & Barry

Bennett Valley

“Your contractor referrals have saved me so much time and energy finding the right person for my landscape maintenance. The photos you send each week have actually encouraged us to enjoy our home more often than we had before using your service.”

Craig & Ann


Why choose us?

Choosing Sonoma Home Watch means choosing a partner who is dedicated to the care and security of your home. Here’s what sets us apart:

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Experiences Professional

Our team is trained and experienced in comprehensive home care.

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Reliable & Trustworthy

We pride ourselves on our reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.

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Personalized Care

We tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each homeowner, providing customized solutions that fit your lifestyle.

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Customer Satisfaction

Dedicated to exceeding your expectations with personalized service and attention to detail.

Contact us

We would love to hear from you! Whether you have questions about our services or want to schedule a consultation, please reach out to us.

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