Your Trusted Partner for Home Care and Security

We offer a wide range of Home Watch services designed to ensure the safety, security, and maintenance of your property while you’re away. From routine inspections to specialized care, our professional team is here to give you peace of mind.

Consistent Check-ins for Condo/Townhome Owners

Condo and townhome owners often have less maintenance to be concerned about. But checking in consistently can give you peace of mind that your property condition is just as you left it. Sonoma Home Watch can provide you with the following services for your condo or townhome:

  • Full Interior Inspections
    Our inspections include checking for water and pest intrusion, routinely replacing filters, light bulbs and batteries, and monitoring temperature settings are programmed correctly.
  • Security & Utility Inspections
    Careful checking of security systems one of our primary inspections. This also includes troubleshooting internet/cable connectivity, electrical, plumbing and heating/coolings systems are operating safely.
  • Common Area Inspections
    Monitoring shared spaces to make sure maintenance is not being neglected near your property.
Condo image
Less than 3,000 sq ft of living space

Personalized Services for Single Family Homes

Single-family homes require thorough inspections inside and out to ensure features are being maintained and working as expected. Our goal is to have you enjoy your property each time you visit, not spend your time working on your home. You can expect our inspections to include:

  • Full Interior & Exterior Inspections
    Our inspections include a thorough assessment of all interior features including lighting systems, kitchen and laundry appliances, heating and cooling, and managing cleaning service providers for consistency. Exterior inspections check building and surrounding structures as well as pool/sauna and outdoor kitchen areas.
  • Landscaping & Post Storm Inspections
    Our inspections include supervising gardener’s work and provide you with assurance that your landscaping is being cared for properly. Weather-related incidents always require close attention to possible damage or conditions that might need immediate follow up with contractors.
  • Security & Utility Inspections
    Careful checking of security systems one of our primary inspections. This also includes troubleshooting internet/cable connectivity, electrical, plumbing and heating/coolings systems are operating safely.
Single Family Home image
Between 3,000 - 5,000 sq ft of living space

Dedicated Care for Multi-Dwelling Properties

For our clients who have multiple dwellings on their property, it’s important to make sure that infrequently used guest or additional dwellings receive the same attention at the main home. You can expect our inspections to include:

  • Multiple Dwelling Interior/Exterior Inspections
    Our inspections include a thorough assessment of all interior features including lighting systems, kitchens and laundry appliances, heating and cooling systems, and managing cleaning service providers after guest or owner usage. Exterior inspections check all buildings and support structures as well as pool/sauna and outdoor kitchen areas.
  • Landscaping & Post Storm Inspections
    Our inspections include supervising gardener’s work and provide you with assurance that your landscaping is being cared for properly. Weather-related incidents always require close attention to possible damage or conditions that might need immediate follow up with contractors.
  • Security & Utility Inspections
    Careful checking of security systems one of our primary inspections. This also includes troubleshooting internet/cable connectivity, electrical, plumbing and heating/coolings systems are operating safely.
Multi-dwelling property home
5,000+ sq ft of living space

Comprehensive Oversight for Estates

For our estate clients, properties demand a higher degree of inspection and oversight You can expect our inspections to include:

  • Extensive property inspections are typically conducted weekly and done discretely for the needs of the property owner and their guests.
    In addition to the inspections of a multi-dwelling property, estate property inspections include substantially more attention to the integrity of the structures and of the more complex security and utility systems integration with qualified technicians. Our service acts as a liaison for the various contractors who access your property.
  • Immediate Response & Post Storm Inspections
    Maintaining large yards, gardens, and any additional outdoor features.
  • Security & Utility Inspections
    Careful checking of security systems one of our primary inspections. This also includes troubleshooting internet/cable connectivity, electrical, plumbing and heating/coolings systems are operating safely.

In addition to the inspections included for a multi-dwelling property owner, estate property inspections may require more attention than weekly visits. We provide immediate response to urgent or unexpected situations as your primary contact for all matters related to the property. Weather-related incidents always require close attention to possible damage or conditions that might need immediate follow up with contractors.

Estate Image
home watch it app

Our app keeps you up-to-date

Sonoma Home Watch uses HomeWatchIT software to securely communicate, report and document all inspections and home visits.

  • Customer Portal
    You can review your weekly reports, view images and read detailed information on the inspection in real time.
  • Reporting
    Fully detailed reports with details of inspection including photos, view upcoming schedule and communicate with your technician via email, text or phone.
  • Security
    Extremely sensitive information like alarm codes passwords, gate codes, and even addresses are securely stored within the app.
  • Online Invoicing can be scheduled to your specifications.

Why choose us?

Choosing Sonoma Home Watch means choosing a partner who is dedicated to the care and security of your home. Here’s what sets us apart:

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Experiences Professional

Our team is trained and experienced in comprehensive home care.

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Reliable & Trustworthy

We pride ourselves on our reputation for reliability and trustworthiness.

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Personalized Care

We tailor our services to meet the specific needs of each homeowner, providing customized solutions that fit your lifestyle.

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Customer Satisfaction

Dedicated to exceeding your expectations with personalized service and attention to detail.

Contact us

We would love to hear from you! Whether you have questions about our services or want to schedule a consultation, please reach out to us.

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